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import java.util.*; public class VectorExample2 { public static void main(String args[]) { //Create an empty Vector Vector < Integer > in = new Vector < > (); //Add elements in the vector in.add(100); in.add(200); in.add(300); in.add(200); in.add(400); in.add(500); in.add(600); in.add(700); //Display the vector elements System.out.println("Values in vector: " +in); //use remove() method to delete the first occurence of an element System.out.println("Remove first occourence of element 200: "+in.remove((Integer)200)); //Display the vector elements afre remove() method System.out.println("Values in vector: " +in); //Remove the element at index 4 System.out.println("Remove element at index 4: " +in.remove(4)); System.out.println("New Value list in vector: " +in); //Remove an element in.removeElementAt(5); //Checking vector and displays the element System.out.println("Vector element after removal: " +in); //Get the hashcode for this vector System.out.println("Hash code of this vector = "+in.hashCode()); //Get the element at specified index System.out.println("Element at index 1 is = "+in.get(1)); } }